External SuperMicrometer
The External Supermicrometer gives you the advantage of two instruments in one. It's a direct reading, high precision metrology instrument and also an electronic size comparator for continuous accuracy on the production floor. This versatile instrument features an inch/metric (switchable) micro-processor based digital display for part measurements. To keep you up-to-date with the latest SPC developments and computer links, an RS232C output is standard.
The External Supermicrometer, certified traceable to the National Bureau of Standards, continues the "Standard of Accuracy" set by Francis Pratt & Amos Whitney over 125 years ago to give you the best built metrology instruments for quality control and long life reliability.
Simple and easy to use
For direct reading measurements, set the tailstock gaging pressure. The move the tailstock into position and clamp. Place the desired master between the tailstock and headstock anvils and bring the analog meter to the precise zero position. The External Supermicrometer is now set to measure within the range of spindle movement. Place the part between the anvils and move the spindles into contact until the meter pointer reads zero. Read the measurement directly from the digital display to .000010 inch. For your records, press "print" for a hard copy printout (optional hardware).
For comparative measurements place the zero master reference between the head and tailstock anvils. Move the headstock anvil to contact the reference master and lamp into place. Rotate the headstock dial until the meter reads zero on the scale and remove the reference master. Place the workpiece between the anvils and read directly from the meter. With system accuracy to 20 millionths, the External Supermicrometer increases productivity with guaranteed accuracy and continuous high performance.
Pratt & Whitney Measurement Systems, 74 Northwest Drive, Plainville, CT 06062-0900. Tel: 860-747-6664; Fax: 860-747-4988.